“Prepare for the next pandemic, COVID-19 is not the last” – as rightly warned by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chief of World Health Organization, on Monday, September 7, 2020, depicts that we have stepped into the era of unprecedented pandemics. Every organization has been touched by the pandemic ramifications and is evolving to adapt the best way to keep its workforce intact.
The transition:
Corporates, both big & small are revamping their core operations like business development, project implementation & management, client management, recruitment, etc, from traditional to remote workstyle. In the time when the country’s economy is sinking and its repercussions could be seen in the form of financial adversities of the companies, it becomes crucial to a have reliable and adaptable workforce. For recruiters, it is more important than ever to hire that personnel who prove to be the company’s greatest assets and bring competitive advantages even during these tough times.
Remote Hiring: The real components
But is remote hiring as easy as it sounds? If your answer is ‘YES’ then let us take you back to the pre-covid era where the over-boosted resumes were cross verified during an in-person interview and thus allowing HR to assess the personality of the candidates in a better way. But in the current times where virtual recruitments are being done either via phone screening or video interview somewhat restricts the opportunity to assess the five basic dimensions of personality – extroversion, adaptability, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. Thus, the scenario urges us to adopt a holistic recruitment process and the Pre Employment Personality Test comes into the picture.
What is a Pre-Employment test?
Pre-employment tests can be considered as the first step of an employee scanning process. A Pre Employment Personality Test provides insight into crucial but intangible information about the candidates, such as their values, cultures, work preferences, work ethics & motivation, teamwork, etc. It works on the principle of ‘Big Five’ and seeks to answer the questions like will a candidate be comfortable in the given job? Does s/he possess the requisite behavioural traits that are linked to success in the given position? Armed with this information, HR can assess whether a candidate is the right fit for the job or not.
The advantages:
- Finding the right-fit candidate (Holistic approach)
- Bringing competitive advantages to companies
- Higher productivity
- Increased employee retention
- Reducing employees’ training cost
- Increased defensibility in the hiring process
The findings:
The importance of such kinds of tests has been demonstrated well in the case of call centers in the financial services industry where employee retention has always been a significant challenge. Many call centers introduced the Criteria Basic Skill Test as a part of the recruitment process and analyzed employee retention. It was found that employees with higher test scores were less likely to be fired or to quit as compared to the low-scoring employees.
Have you leveraged the benefits of a holistic approach to advance your hiring process yet?
If you think implementing this approach is what your recruitment process needs, but don’t know how to proceed, let us help you! At Swayam, we offer customized personality tests for helping recruiters to evaluate the right candidate the right way. Get in touch with us to know how can we make it easier for you!!