My dream has been to understand Personality and Human Behaviour with a philosophy and theory that can be applied to people across the world. Psychometric assessment of people from the Vedic tradition fulfilled that dream. When people are the same in how we feel, how we react to situations that make us happy, sad, angry, sorrowful, and so on, why do we have so many theories and conflicting thoughts to understand them.
Many theories in psychology and their different ways of interpreting personality and behaviour have perplexed me. My study on Indian Vedic 5-element theory has helped me develop a set of psychometric tests to assess personality based on the 5 elements
- Earth
- Water
- Fire
- Air
- Ether
These elements combine with each other at the physical-physiological level to form the Three Natures (Tridoshas) of Airy (Creative) personalities), Fiery (Logical) personalities and Aqueous (Methodical) personalities and their combinations has been interesting to say the least. Understanding the behaviour of people that have a dominance of these elements gives deep insights into their behaviour and how they would behave in certain situations.
The same 5-elements combine with each other to form the Three Attributes (Trigunas) of Harmonious, Passionate and Lethargic. These Natures and the Three Attributes are again correlated intrinsically in each of us.
Swayam tests, the personality assessment tests developed by me are multi-disciplinary in nature; collated from various classical Indian traditional systems and thought like Vedas, Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, Puranas, Yoga, Ayurveda, Samkhya, and so on.
At Swayam we have successfully developed our own software to analyze the answers of a person. We have a Patent pending on our software that makes it not only unique but also accurate due to the triangulation analyses that we conduct.
We administer the tests to assess a person’s dominant Nature, corresponding dominant Attribute. We perform a “Quality Check” to see if the answers given are correct or if the person has answered just for the sake of answering or has malingered, which makes our assessment tool robust and fool-proof.
Having good psychometric properties is a necessity for objective tests to be used in multiple scenarios and settings as stated in the Manual of the test. A psychometric test is required to have good indices of Reliability and Validity to ensure that they are strong and reliable in their usage.
The Swayam tests have shown their quality with the high Reliability and Validity scores which have been published in peer reviewed scientific journals that have been circulated worldwide. It is because of this intrinsic strength and quality of our tests and reporting framework that we have various world class institutions using them for their research.
Some of the institutions we have been working with at Masters level, Doctoral level, etc., are:
-National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore
-Amity University, Noida
-Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala
-Dept. of Accounting, Heider College of Business, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
-Dept. of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Visit https://analytics.swayam.life/ to know more about our tests and how we help organizations and institutes in their endeavour to understand personality in their daily interactions and find success!